1. Intro

Montecarloshop.gr is a website, selling products through the internet. It belongs to the sole proprietorship GERAPETRITIS EMMANOUIL “MONTE CARLO” and has a shop at Praxitelous 150 Street, in Piraeus (Postal Code 18535).

The visitor/user of this site has to read carefully these terms of use. These conditions are valid for every purchase throughout montecarloshop.gr.


Montecarloshop.gr is committed for the validity and quality of any given information, with the exception of any accidental technical or typographical mistakes. Also, the e-shop is committed for the best quality of the products, provided on this e-shop. Our main purpose is that every order satisfies our customers 100%.


Our company is committed to protect its users’ and visitors’ personal details on the e-shop of montecarloshop.gr and to comply with the provisions regarding personal data protection (N.2472/1997 regarding the protection of humans from the processing of personal data). You are not obliged to give any personal detail to surf on montecarloshop.gr or to access on its content. Every info asked from the users of montecarloshop.gr are intended exclusively for the purpose of executing orders.


We are committed to protecting your personal data and comply without exception with the Privacy Act 1998 and applicable relevant legislation (according to Ν. 2472/1997 and Ν. 3471/2006). Our Policy irrevocably ensures that any information provided will remain private and secure. This website operates in accordance with the applicable Greek and Community (European) legislation and ensures to keep the personal data of users/subscribers secure, for as long as they use our website, in any way.

The data kept in the file may be disclosed to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable legislative provisions. The user/subscriber has, within the framework of telecommunications privacy legislation, the information and objection rights provided for in the articles 11 to 13 of the law 2472/1997.

Information requested from the website user
Personal data: Each visitor can browse the website without providing any personal information.

Montecarloshop.gr may use Google Analytics functions for display ads (ex. remarketing, Google Display Network impression reporting, Doubleclick Campaign Manager integration, and demographic and interest reporting).

Using Ads Settings, visitors can opt out of GoogleAnalytics for display ads and customize Google Display Network ads.
Here are the available GoogleAnalytics opt-out options for the web.

Montecarloshop.gr complies with the GoogleAdWords Interest-Based Advertising Policy and restrictions for sensitive categories and:

Uses remarketing with GoogleAnalytics for online advertising.

Montecarloshop.gr and third-party vendors, including Google, use both first-party cookies (such as the GoogleAnalytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) to update, optimize and display ads based on previous visits of some users on its website.
Montecarloshop.gr and its third-party suppliers, including Google, use both first-party cookies (such as the GoogleAnalytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) to perform reports on how its ad impressions montecarloshop.gr, other uses of advertising services and interactions with these ad displays and advertising services are related to visits to the montecarloshop.gr.
Montecarloshop.gr may use data from Google’s interest-based advertising or third-party audience data (such as age, gender and interests) with GoogleAnalytics.


All transactions you carry out through montecarlo shop.gr are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to electronic commerce, as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to with distance sales.


For any clarification related to montecarloshop.gr, users can contact the company on weekdays at 2104133473 (hours 10.00 to 14.00) or by sending a message to the email address [email protected].